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Poetry Project

The Constitution is Crumbling


The Constitution is Crumbling

Where are the principles that stabilize?

Checks and Balances don’t do it

“Will he ever step down?” Ask the brains

The Constitution is Crumbling


The Constitution is Crumbling

Where are the atmospheric scientists that stabilize?

Their pockets keep growing with greed

“When will they pay their taxes?” ask the broken bones

The Constitution is Crumbling


The Constitution is Crumbling

Where are my freedoms that stabilize?

Church doesn’t have to be political

“Why can’t I get a cake?” asked the gay man

The Constitution is Crumbling


The Constitution is Crumbling

Where do the low votes go?

When leaders bring the dough under their soles

“Why does he tell me to grab pussy?” asked ten year old Timmy

The Constitution is Crumbling


The Constitution is Crumbling

Democrats, Republicans, who gives a fuck?

When all we hear are shouts of horror and reluctancy

“Why does the minority have to be shut?” asked the tea man

The Constitution is Crumbling


The Constitution is Crumbling

Why do vetoes, executive orders, nominees, and pardons single out?

When they ban Muslims from coming in

“Where is my child?” she screams in Spanish

The Constitution is Crumbling


The Constitution is Crumbling

Why does he need to be stopped?

When he lives in the hood without any luck

“Why did he get shot?” hollered his mother

The Constitution is Crumbling

Amongst all the pain, withering, and regret,

We need to make a change with astronomical vent

Amongst the suffering, greed, and negative motion

We need some kind of special potion

To success, prosper, excel, and progress

Which will ultimately be the truest test

We as a people need to rise up despite all our differences

And make an impact putting aside all of our grievances

Together as a people we will help fight this suffering

To bring our children more comforting


The Constitution is Crumbling


Lotus Flower


Real revelations

The true enlightenment path

A state of being


A Circle


Confusion embodies my skull

My eyes red and crusted with pain, anxiety, and malformation

“There must be something wrong with me” I taunt

I was closeted, in a conservative household, with no one to hold.


I found it, verbally expressed.

Like an anchor no longer weighing on my heart

“I’m bisexual” I tell myself, and never felt so true to my skin

I was logically freed, but spiritually encased.


My mother, I provoke myself as she stains my cheek

The gasp on her lips will be far too much

My father, I provoke myself as he teaches me the ways of life

The disbelief on the wrinkles of his forehead will be far too much


I found a relief of the smallest degree

Escaping to the realization that saved me

Friends with cheery smile lines

But family that refutes it


Cycling through struggles of mental strife

Inability to reach conclusions

I suppose the cycle will continue

Until one day I can look in the mirror

And accept


When writing The Constitution is Crumbling, the biggest point I wanted to get across was the flaws of the centuries old document, how the issues apply to modern day life, and how we can eventually go about these issues. I followed a strict structure with the repetition of the phrase, “The Constitution is Crumbling,” at the beginning and end of each stanza. This was done to emphasize the importance of the time period we live in and how the constitution can no longer support radically changing times. I also made sure to make it the last line of the poem, even when the stylistics and rhythmic pattern changed. After seven stanzas, I changed the style to an AB rhythmic pattern that flowed to become a strong conclusion. I presented all of the issues within the first seven stanzas, and a possible solution or message of positivity on what we, as a society, must do towards the end of the poem. The purpose was to present the idea, then provide a specific example through questionable and vague formating. The next line showed how it affected the people, followed by the pleading of said people. Each stanza had a specific purpose and meaning to a certain section of the Constitution. The rhetorical devices I mainly used where rhetorical questions, metaphors, imagery, and repetition.

When writing Lotus Flower, I believed there was no better way to express my Buddhist ideals than through a haiku. Buddhism has become a part of my identity within the last couple of years, and has taught me much on how to act and go about life. Buddhism preaches the simplicity and beauty of life, the exact same purpose of a haiku. I followed the structure of five, seven, and five syllables. I tried to portray the message of being enlightened, through the lotus flower metaphor often used in Buddhism. The lotus flower represents the stages of becoming enlightened, from the root to the very top, which is a journey in itself. The revelations aspect in the first line, is a reference to the Buddha sitting under his Bonsai tree and thinking of all of his newly found thoughts on life. The second line references the Eightfold path and the Lotus flower metaphor that comes with reaching true enlightenment. Lastly, Buddhism is a state of self and being that one must practice. A breath-fullness of a haiku is exactly the spirituality and philosophy of Buddhism.

In my last poem, A Circle, I discuss the difficult state of being a bisexual woman in a family who has a conservative background. This poem follows a free verse structure. The purpose of this poem was to display different stages throughout my constantly progressing journey of sexuality and finding who I am. I used an abundance of imagery, metaphor, and a dark tonality throughout the poem to exhibit the struggling of my situation. The first stage was me discovering and explaining myself through self-acknowledgement and being able to verbally state it. The second stage was allowing my friends to understand and know this part of who I am. The third was the parental/familial part that I am still trying to admit too. Lastly, although I understand that this is a part of who I am, I still find it difficult to fully accept and love myself for it, hence the mirror metaphor. The free verse structure allowed me to show all of my thoughts throughout my journey into a couple of stanzas. The meaning is to hopefully one day be able to accept and love myself which will push me to finally showing my truest form to my loved ones.